
Thursday, February 20, 2014

Goodbye my friend

Earlier this week I lost a friend to cancer. I've been thinking about her every day since I found out. Throughout the day I would forget and then my thoughts would gravitate back to her. We were high school friends and roommates during our freshman year of college. I remember our conversations about love, our dreams, korean dramas, and Youtube beauty guru stuff. We didn't see each other often, maybe once every few months for a new foodventure or lunch at our favorite restaurants (Jazz Cat Cafe or Boiling Point) to catch up on each other's lives. More importantly, every time we hung out we are always able to pick up as if we talked all the time. We shared so many common interests and I admired her for developing not one, but two cool blogs. 

She was only 25. It shouldn't be this way. I keep thinking that I would get the news that she was in remission and that she would be ok. I can't believe that she's gone. I'm a nurse, I see devastating stuff all the time but this hits so close to home. My heart hurts for her and her family. She is one of the most optimistic and strong people I know. When she told me about her diagnosis, she never once asked why this was happening to her. She took it head on and was so full of life even after her surgery. She will continue to motivate me everyday. Because of her, I will strive to live life to the fullest and not keep putting things off to do later. 

Thank you for the memories, our foodventures, and your friendship. Rest in peace, Kristine.  


  1. Hi Maivy - this is Kelsea from Pink Wonderland (a blog from a while back, if you recall it). I just started a new blog and I wanted to stop by and say hi, especially to everyone (including you) who left super sweet messages on my last few sad posts. Anyway, I am so, so sorry you've had to go through losing a friend. I can't imagine what it would be like, especially at this age where it's so incredibly unexpected. =/ I know that while we never really get over losses like these, I hope you are finding a way to be okay and finding peace in your memories with Kristine. Lots and lots and lots of love. <3

  2. Thanks so much Kelsea! So sweet of you to stop by. Not gonna lie..yours are the first comments on my blog from someone I don't know in real life. I was very excited about it :) Kristine was the only other person that every commented on my posts (we share a passion for blogging). I look forward to reading more amazing posts from you!
